Saturday, 21 January 2017

Project Officer [2 Posts] - HUHESO Foundation

P.O BOX 619, TEL: +255753444840


Dealers: The healthier society that brought up the spirit of equity, peace, love and respect.



The Foundation for Human Health Society [HUHESO Foundation] is a non Profit
Organization based in Tanzania Mainland Registered under the Societies Act Cap
337 [R.E.2002] with Registration Number S.A 16535, the primary goal is to lead
disadvantaged groups into development process in Tanzania and play constructive
role in uniting their efforts and potentialities in society. HUHESO-FOUNDATION
strives to promote dignity, equitable access to social services and resources for
development and enhance Children, Youth and Women. HUHESO-FOUNDATION
ensures sustainable behavioral change, HIV/AIDS and CANCER Prevention
programs and promotes Children, Youth, and disabled people entrants in HIV/AIDS
and CANCER campaign. HUHESO also endeavor to ensure friendly services,
confidential and quality delivery of health services in accordance with the ethics and

Project Description
HUHESO Foundation has been implementing Phase I of PESA KWA WOTE Project
(PKW-Project) as from October 2014 to December 2016 through funding from CARE
International in Tanzania. PESA KWA WOTE Project uses the Village Saving and
Lending model (VSL model) to improve access to financial services to rural
community women and men in three districts of Kahama District Council; Kahama
Town Council, Ushetu District Council and Msalala District Council in Shinyanga
region, Tanzania mainland.

Phase II of PESA KWA WOTE Project implementation commences immediately from
February 2017 up to December 2017 but depending on availability of funds from
CARE International.

We are therefore interested to recruit the following technical personnel who are
valuable enough to the achievement of project objectives;

Project Officer [2 Posts] - Reporting to Project Manager

Key Qualifications and Experience
1. A Bachelor Degree in Development Studies, Social Work, Sociology,
Community Development, Public Administration and any other Social Science
related field from recognized institutions
2. Should be able to deliver high positive results
3. Minimum of at least two years in the field or related fields
4. Fluent in Kiswahili and English Language
5. Should be Computer Literate especially MS Excel, Word, Access, Publisher,
Power Point
6. Should be able to work under minimum supervision
7. Should be able to work in rural areas [the applicants based in rural areas are
encouraged to apply]

Job Description
1. Conduct training to formed VSL groups through VSL model to ensure their
quality is improved and strengthened
2. Conduct baseline on VSL group members on the current savings and loans
3. Collect lessons learnt and share with PKW Project management
4. To visit VSL groups weekly
5. Collect data on VSL group savings and loans on quarterly basis
6. Identify additional training needs of VSL groups that would contribute to
economic strengthening approaches under HUHESO Foundation.
7. Any other duty as may be assigned by the supervisor

Whoever meets the criteria outlined herein, Please attach your Application letter, CV,
one photo passport size and Certificates.
Please submit his/her applications via the address below;

Executive Director,
HUHESO Foundation,
P.O.Box 619,
Kahama, Shinyanga, Tanzania


NB: - The applications should be received not later than 25 January, 2017


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